onsdag 9. november 2011


Today there is an article about working standing up at Frilansinfo.com, and they interviewed me about how that works out for me.

The article is Norwegian but I guess you can give it a shot with google translate:)

Now back to work. Standing up.


5 kommentarer:

  1. Hei!
    Jeg fant deg på Epla og ble så begeistret for dine ting! For en herlig strek!
    Dette må jeg kikke mer på.
    Og Eplabutikken er jo perfekt for gaver.
    Ha en fin dag!
    Mvh, Marlene, Drøbak

  2. Veldig interessant! Har lurt på hvordan det er å jobbe slik. Dette må prøves:)

  3. Så gøy! Takk for ros Marlene:) Veldig gøy å høre! Kos deg med eplabutikken!

  4. Jess, å stå og jobbe anbefales Miss Talseth. Eller kanskje, variert jobbestilling anbefales like mye selv om jeg står for det meste.

  5. I read about you by studying the problem "working standing up vs. sitting" solutions.
    I created a product that could help the development of standing-up jobs: Baxaver (the Back-Saver, www.baxaver.com), a portable telescopic backrest fit for resting the back when standing in the upright position.
    Today working in the upright position causes a lot of problems, because the vertebral column is under a continuous pressure and dehydration.
    Baxaver allows you to stand upright while alternating the vertical and the bending postures, so that you can relax your column without sitting and using in a better way your stand-up desk.
    Baxaver was defined “the kangaroo’s tail for humans”, because the kangaroo is the only other animal that stands upright, but it has a pyramidal structure (legs + tail), while the humans don’t have a solid structure, having only 2 legs.
    Please take a look at the Baxaver’s website (www.baxaver.com).
    Thank you for your attention and, awaiting your kind reply (comments, partnership, etc.), I remain,
    Yours truly,
    Emanuele Lopopolo


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