I’m making a series of illustrations for Temaforlaget, one of them are a group of bacteria oozing around on one spread. They are illustrating an article about people becoming more resistent towards antibiotics.
Temaforlaget are amazing clients to work with, they understand that if you make people feel like you trust them to do their best, they will. And maybe the result will be better than trying to control every move the artist do. I’m not sure if they are aware they have this attitude, but it works like mad for me!
The articles are also very inspiring. The concept Temaforlaget is working from is to make heavy and difficult reads within science more entertaining, interesting and easier to read, then perhaps making science more accessible.
Yay to Temaforlaget:)
Legger du farge på illustrasjonene dine i photoshop? Kunne du vist hvordan du gjør det kanskje? Kjempestilig!:)