lørdag 7. januar 2012


A friend of mine had lots of old pictures and frames, and wanted to buy illustrations from me that might fit them. So I packed a portfolio with drawings and prins of different sizes, and held my very own Tupperwareparty at her house;)

We used quite a few hours, but it was great fun to see the whole thing coming together.

It was quite cool to see how well the drawings worked with the old black and whites she wanted to keep.

They will be hanging somewhat like this, with a myriad of different shapes and colors on the frames.

I'm looking forward to see the finished project up on the wall in her house:)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Så utrolig fint det ble! åå! Dette er sånt man blir glad av å se på!

  2. Ja det var en skikkelig fin ide! Og gøysig for meg å se hvordan bildene ble i rammene, for vanligvis ser jeg jo ikke hvor bildene kommer opp.


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