søndag 6. november 2011


Monday I finished up some sketches for Elixir's new webage and had a workshop with Sortenke.

Tuesday I had a meeting about some illustrations I'm doing for a cancer victims support project. In the evening I met up with the art group Kos & Tegn and brought with me my almost finished piece;)

Wednesday finally all my gear for all the Christmas Fairs was delivered. Pink tissue paper, black paper bags, buisness cards, nametags, ...and so on. In the afternoon I met up with blogger and seamstress Frk. Bustad about an exiting illustrations-on-textiles-project.

Thursday I recieved a rush order for illustrations and had to drop everything. Best task ever by the way!

Friday I had some deadlines to finish and a visit from a lovely customer. In the evening me and some friends had a slightly delayed Halloween party;)

Today I've been finishing up work for both Elixir and the rush order ones, and now I'm going for a dinner at Good Cupcakes Good's author Caroline.

Have a brilliant evening:)

1 kommentar:

  1. Whah! Der var eg plutseleg heime frå njujårk. Trøtt i stilen og forkjøla. MEN no er eg klar for å gjere sånn der research som det heiter på godt norsk. Eg kjem attande til deg snart! Fine merkjelappar, forresten. Trådsnelle, di snelle. Gå for den!


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