tirsdag 16. august 2011


Some weeks ago I got an email from a well known designer chainstore in Norway about Hummer & Kanari’s washing up gloves that are made by me and Birthe R.

And yesterday we went to meet them here in Bergens about them _maybe_ taking our pimped washing up gloves in stock. But you never know, things might go in any direction, money is always an issue. I hope it works out and that both them and us get a deal we are comfortable with. If it works out at allSmilefjes 

This is huge if it works out, but I dare not get my hopes up or it will be a classic case of “too good to be true”. Or maybe notSmilefjes som blunker No, no more thinking about it, concentrate on the work that needs to be done today. Yes.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Spennende. Jeg digger de oppvaskehanskene :)

  2. Gøy gøy! Har du nokon raude? Eg byrjar å få orden på kjøkenet vårt. Mykje raudt innimellom.

  3. Hoho:) Ingen røde for øyeblikket, men gir en lyd hvis vi finner en levrandør som også leverer i rødt, det hadde vært så stiiiliiig!


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