mandag 28. mars 2011


These pages are from my sketchbook. I’m working on the different concepts for each of the 20 stories for the book on Skald Forlag. The top one here is about a girl that is given the most wonderful balloon from her parents, and (I hope I’m allowed to do this) I had an idea that the guy they buy it from is the old man from UP. Even if this event is just a minor part of the story.

The writer also has set some part of the story in a car, and since I tend to dislike to draw “modern” things like mobile phones and playstations I usually draw them with a twist. Instead of putting the characters in a mundane Ford Mondeo, I want them to live in a Boardwalk Empire/Charleston-world, with the style and fashion of the days, driving T-Fords, all with a touch of steampunk in it.

This one has a fantasy creature in it that lives in a tree trunk and drinks soda. The author said he had a face like bark, so now I’m trying to make this look like bark without making him look like he has a very strange and unpleasant disease.

For two of the stories one of the main characters is a cat. Here I’ve studied photos of cats and how other people have drawn them, you might recognise Mutts and the two headed sigarette smoking cat from Transmetropolitan?

The button-eyed cat is all mine, drawn from a photo of the most ridiculously cute kitten. I’m not to keen on cats, and I dreaded starting to study how to draw them, but after a while I was really enjoying it! The have such versatile body language and attitude, and it was a lot easier than I first thought.

In this story I’m playing with the pysical size of the characters to convey the “emotional size” of how much they mean to eachother. To separate the two slightly similar cat-stories from eachoter in the book, I want this cat to be HUGE.

These pages were the ones with least writing on them, I think I am revealing to much of the stories if I publish all my notes. I really need to sort out with my publisher how much I can actually tellSmilefjes med åpen munn

2 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg håper du får lov til å vise mer! Det er så gøy å se hvordan andre jobber og følge med på prosessen. Og du fikk jo teken på kattene;) Nå ble jeg inspirert!

  2. Jeg blir alltid så inspirert til å jobbe når jeg får se bilder av andres arbeidsprosess/ skissebøker eller kreativt rotete arbeidsplasser, så er bra at det funker med mine ting og:)


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