tirsdag 1. mars 2011


I couldn’t find a good translation. The Book of Comforting? “Trøyste” means to comfort someone. It’s a book with collected stories about comforting, and I’m going to illustrate it! It’s in the same series as “Godnattboka” and “Eventyrboka” (pictured) on Skald Forlag. I’m really excited to start such a huge project again, but also with a bit of resent. When I worked on the last one I had just finished my BA exam at KHIB, and went straight on to working with the book. I did that, and ONLY that for about four months every day from 08.00am to10.00pm. I’m not sure I want to repeat that method of working. The only break I had was going to a festival in Nordfjordeid, where I spent most of the time in between concerts drawing in the lavvu we lived in.

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This time I’ve asked for a little more time, that is, that I get the plot, characters and setting before I get the final story. Then I have time to prepare and do research before the final work starts. I get the stories in april, 20 different authors, and deadline is 1st of July this summer.
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I’m really looking foreward to work like this again, even if I was really exhausted last time. The final count of artwork last round was about 200 different illustrations for the book and cover, and that does not include the sketches.


But in the end I had developed a lot as an illustrator, and this time I’m a little better prepared. So I’m hoping to be able to enjoy the intense work a little more this time. :)

I’m meeting up with my editor on this book in Oslo this weekend, and participating at Grafill’s Grilldagene, so if anyone’s participating as well it would be nice to meet up:)

6 kommentarer:

  1. Gratulerer så mye med et så flott oppdrag :-) Litt stille her i gården for tida, men håper det tar seg opp snart! Så heldig du er som skal på grilldagene, skulle så gjerne vært der men skal være dommer på Ungdommens kulturmønstring den dagen.

    Skal du på Barnebokmessen i Bologna i slutten av måneden forresten? Jeg har fått stipend for å reise dit, så gleder meg!

  2. ååå heldige du! jeg har veldig lyst å dra dit, skal prøve å høre med forlaget om jeg kan reise med dem en gang. lykke til med dommerjobb:)skal du blogge fra bologna? det hadde vært superinteressant å følge med på!

  3. Jeg skal også på grilldagene, kanskje vi møtes! Gleder meg iallefall til litt inspirasjon og å møte andre illustratører:)

  4. Knall!:) jeg drar alene og kjenner ingen som skal dit så sendte ut en liten melding i tilfelle det var noen andre illustratørbloggere som skulle avgårde og:) skal se etter deg:) øh, kordan ser du ut forresten?

  5. uhuu, trist som ikke skal på grilldagene :-( jaja, det kommer vel flere anledninger.

    Du burde søke på tegnerforbundets Bolognastipend for å dra neste år, Gunvor. Ja, jeg kommer til å blogge blogge blogge om Bologna :-)

  6. Jeg reiser også alene:) Sendte deg venneforespørsel på "snokeboka", sånn at du kan se den virkelige meg(?) ;)


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