søndag 26. juni 2011


Kristin Talseth and Kathrine Kristiansen over at Baluba Illustration Studio has issued a good idea: They want to collaborate with other illustrators on a calendar for 2012 and is for the moment looking for a theme. That of course sparked my espresso ridden brain and I thought of the theme “Secrets”. They won’t decide on a theme until late July, and many more suggestions will flow in, but the Secret-idea stuck with me this morning.

So I want to make a weekly post like the Weekly Monster about Secrets. Doesn’t have to be hardcore truths, only small guilty pleasures or things one treasure. Or have done.  Maybe revealing something about yourself that is quite funny or plain lame. I want to do this like my Champagne Project, that I collect sayings from myself and others and then illustrate it. I’m starting out with myself and this morning’s little (very innocent) truth: I like Hello Kitty even if my friends think it’s silly. (This will probably be filed under “lame”.) 
hello kitty

I realize it will probably be a little more difficult to get people to give me stuff to illustrate this time round. But I love when people aren’t too concerned what other people think of them or their interests, and this will be anonymous, so maybe it’ll work. Feel free to post your silly secrets hereSmilefjes som blunker Next one up I have already figured: “I love to listen to “10 000 Lovers” from TNT”.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I also want to be creative and draw stuff all the time! I think the secret idea sounds awesome, I made a whole bunch of little penguins telling secrets a couple of years ago for the "Art to the people" exhibit. Good times.

  2. Eg kunne godt tenkt meg å gått med tiara heile dagen.
    Sjølv om eg eigentleg ikkje er noko pyntejenta.


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