fredag 22. april 2011


The Easter Bunny sent me a two packages from Irregular Choice, and they arrived when I was back from my vacation. I ordered some polkadot haven-shoes after I discovered the brand a few weeks ago, and now I keep strutting around in them at home. There will be many occations to wear them since everyone is turning 30 this year (including me), but I would have bought them anyway. They will look great in photos for our Good Lookin Mama-shoots, and I want to wear them when I give talks and stuff.

These are definately the most flaboyant shoes I have ever seen. That can be worn at least. I loved the packaging with the little hearts and unicorn-looking bunnies.


The heel on this one is acrylic and looks like an aquarium haha! I thought they weren’t so high, but I felt like the Eiffel tower walking in them. I think probably it’ll be the top ones I’ll wear the most, because these ones are not exactly made for dancing if you catch my drift. Probably made for… standing up? I have already started a drawing inspired by these shoes, I’ll post it when I’m back at the office with my watercolors. They aren’t really justified in black inkSmilefjes som blunker

2 kommentarer:

  1. Fantastiske sko du har fått deg!
    På denne sida var det jammen meg mangen snasne sko!
    Er det lov å spørja om dei var store eller små i størrelsen?
    Drit å kjøpa for små sko, drit med for store og for den del.
    Nei, alskens styggprat.
    Her sitte det i alle fall ei som vil ha nye sko.

  2. :D Jaaaa jeg har en ting for sprø sko. Jeg bruker 37/38, så sjangset på 38. De var bittelitt store, men heller det. Legger bare en sånn gummidings-såle nedi foran. Sjekk høyden på helen hvis du skal kjøpe der, for de ser på en måte lavere ut på bildene. Men tror ikke det er stress hvis du er vant til å gå med ekstremt høye hæler, det er ikke jeg:) Sko er gøy:)


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