mandag 25. april 2011


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A little girl loses her Winnie the Pooh-balloon and is devastated. Because it slipped so suddenly and unexpected. And learns a lesson about loss;)

I like the story in all it’s simplicity, because they mention loss of a family member, only as a small comment, but you can read so much into it. For the end spread I’m drawing not only her lost balloon, but several balloons far apart, to show that loss is something that happens all the time, and we have to learn to cope with it and move on with our lives. That part was not written into the story but I dicussed it with my editor and she loved the idea to bring something more into the storytelling via the images.

The book I’m illustrating is about comforting, and the different stories pick up something that one have to be comforted for. I’m not so sure that preparing kids for everything is the best way of sending them towards what’s coming in life, they will find out soon enough. But the book might be a good resort for a parent having problems explaining a certain topic to a child, and stories like this one is just as much written for grown-ups as kids.

I chose the Milne-version of Winnie the Pooh rather than Disney, because it fits my drawing style better, and I have set the story in the 1920’s. The first book about Winnie the Pooh was published in 1925, after the success Milne had when he wrote a poem about a teddy bear in 1924, so the timing couldn’t be better. I decided on the Charleston style for this story when I got the brief and synopsis, so I was very happy when I got the final script and it was a perfect match. Even with the balloon:)

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